Get Involved



become a member

Becoming a member of MEMRAP enables you to become directly involved with the campaign and enables the campaign team to demonstrate the growing level of interest in restoring a valuable mainline.


Membership enables you to attend monthly meetings, if you wish, and also enables the team, who are all volunteers to continue to secure the necessary resources in the development of the campaign.


You can also get further involved with the proposals, as we are always looking for additional and appropriate experience and capabilities resources to support our shared endeavours.

Donation or Sponsorship

funding the development

If you feel that membership isn't something for you at the moment but you would still like to support the campaign, you can!


We receive most welcome one-off donations from our supporters, and some supporters very kindly make regular donations too.


We are also open to working with businesses who may wish to become campaign sponsors.


If any ideas are of interest to you, please just contact us by clicking on the 'home' page of this website and get in touch.


Thank you.



share our story

We are keen to share news of our progress in turning our proposals into reality.


We would like to do more of this, so you can help us by hosting an event or inviting us to an event to share our proposals.


Additionally, we have a range of publicity materials which we would be delighted to share - including posters and leaflets - should you be able to display these to promote the reinstatement.


Please contact us by visiting the 'home' page and filling in the contact form.


become a member

Our membership is managed through Membermojo, our online membership portal. 


If you are interested in joining us and supporting the campaign please click on the link below.  Thank You !