The Railway


Manchester / stockport to chinley


Our aim is to provide the capability for a service to operate to / from Manchester although we are aware of the constraints on capacity between Manchester and Stockport.


Our team is working on various options including a ‘turn-back’ at Stockport, route options via Guide Bridge to Manchester and/or Stockport. 


Further along the line at New Mills South Junction, we are developing options to improve capacity between the junction and Chinley Junction(s).  This would provide significant capacity and performance benefits for both the Hope Valley and Peaks and Dales lines.



Chinley to buxton


We are proposing upgrades at Chinley, and between Chinley and Chapel en le Frith (Central) station.  Proposals include improved access and egress for the private sidings at the quarries around the Peak Forest area, plus upgrades to the existing mainline that passes between the quarry sidings.


Both Buxton and Peak Forest Junctions would be reinstated and provide the dual connection through the Chee Dale area.  The line through to Buxton from Chee Dale will be reinstated as a double track railway and options are being considered for a through station at Buxton.



Buxton to matlock


This section includes the section of route to Chee Dale and proposals for reinstatement along the disused section only use approximately 85% of the former railway land with most of the required land safeguarded for reinstatement.


The proposed line would be a double track mainline throughout, with additional lines at certain locations to provide additional capacity etc including stations with more than two platforms. 


Having a double track mainline provides the operational contingency that a single line cannot provide in the event of a disruptive operational issue.





Our proposals include reinstating the double track between between Matlock and Ambergate and potential upgrades south of Ambergate Junction. 


An additional option includes the reinstatement of the Ambergate North Curve, which would connect to the Midland Mainline to/from a northerly direction.

the Stations

Our proposals include assessing all the closed railway stations along the route with a view to reopening each one as required.


This is an opportunity for communities to share their support for the reinstatement by requesting their station is reopened.


Integrated travel plans will be developed for each station with various stakeholders, and may include the integration of train services with local bus services, taxis, and cycle hire, as well as private cars. 


Each station is envisaged to be a sustainable and accessible design, with 'level' access between the train and the platform. 


Whilst it is too early to be too specific about the trains that would operate, we have set out our proposed outline specification, based on an assessment of existing trains and emerging designs.


This includes features such as:


  • high-capacity, with potential for up to 540 passengers, all seated;

  • all the standard features such as wi-fi, charging points, air conditioning and toilets;

  • significant increase in bicycle capacity compared to the current trains;

  • accessible trains for ease of boarding and alighting;

  • comfortable, reliable and efficient.


Freight trains

Freight trains provide a significant opportunity to decarbonise surface transport, with one freight train being the equivalent of 76 heavy goods vehicle trips removed from the roads.


Whilst freight leaving the quarries is one of the potential rail users, our proposals also consider what other localised freight - for example parcel deliveries - could also make use of the Peaks and Dales line.


We will also review the cross Park HGV freight to seek opportunities to reduce this level of road freight.


Our proposals also consider Peak Rail and excursion services.


Peak Rail has had a 40-year ambition to operate a service between Buxton and Matlock and our proposals include several options to support that ambition.  We recognise that as a non-mainline heritage operator, there would be some challenges in Peak Rail achieving this, but we consider it feasible as part of the wider proposals.


We also are reviewing the existing and future excursion market that could support a significant growth in sustainable tourism.